Lead Paint Training

Lead paint can become a health risk and can become an even greater hazard of handled improperly. Our Lead paint training courses will teach you the dangers associated with lead paint and how to remain safe when exposed to or handling lead paint.

Lead Maintenance

Code: Lead Maintenance
Course Name: Hazard & Maintenance
Hours: 8 hours
Required by: Title 17/CCR - Div. I Chapter 8 and Cal-OSHA Title 8, CCR Section 1532.1
Who Should Attend: The employer is required to provide training concerning lead hazards in accordance with the required written illness and injury prevention program to all employees exposed or potentially exposed to lead regardless of the exposure level.
Recertification or Refresher Required:The awareness training teaches the individuals not to exceed the Action Level. If the Action Level is exceeded, then annual training is required, along with medical surveillance.