Asbestos Testing & Inspection

If you have a building in the Los Angeles area and are concerned about asbestos, Benchmark Environmental Engineering is a California Certified Asbestos Consultant that offers asbestos testing and inspection. We have over two decades of experience in asbestos testing and inspection, and offices located throughout California. We are a leader in environmental consulting, and our success is built upon rigorous scientific procedures.
What Is Asbestos?
Found in rock and soil, asbestos is a mineral with thin fibers and a natural resistance to fire and heat. The combination of its resistance to fire and heat, its tensile strength and acoustic absorption capabilities, made asbestos a popular choice for construction materials until 1980. Some common building materials that contained asbestos include stucco, vinyl flooring, acoustic ceiling material, linoleum, sheet rock, cement board, shingles, and multiple forms of insulation.
Why Is Asbestos Harmful?
There are severe health risks associated with asbestos. Evidence indicates that exposure over time can cause cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Because of this, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) have set forth strict regulations and guidelines with regards to asbestos. If you have a building with asbestos-containing materials and undertake any repairs, renovations or demolition, you risk disturbing the harmful fibers and releasing them into the air. Once airborne, the fine particles can be easily inhaled and ingested, where they can lodge and reside for many years.
Asbestos Testing & Investigation
The handling of asbestos is critical and not something an inexperienced person should undertake. Our team of certified asbestos consultants and surveillance technicians are qualified to handle all asbestos-related projects and concerns. We perform all of our inspections according to EPA guidelines and are qualified to perform full Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and Asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) surveys. We will perform a visual examination of the area in question and take samples for lab analysis to determine asbestos content. Once completed, we will provide a report and abatement plan.
Your Leader In Environmental Consulting
Benchmark Environmental Engineering can help Los Angeles’ commercial property owners, property managers, facilities and maintenance managers, government agencies, abatement contractors, and homeowners by providing the region’s most comprehensive asbestos testing. If asbestos is discovered, we can further help with abatement project management, oversight and air quality monitoring during the remediation process. Once the abatement is completed, we will then certify that the asbestos contamination has been removed from your property. To inquire about a consultation or to set up an inspection, call Benchmark Environmental Engineering today.